
Touchstone Health Services was awarded a five-year, 1.5 million dollars grant from the Office of Population Affairs, Department of Human and Health Services to provide comprehensive, multi-faceted teen pregnancy prevention programs in seventeen zip codes across Avondale, Tolleson, Goodyear, Litchfield Park and parts of Glendale, Buckeye, and Phoenix. The grant looks to advance equity in adolescent health through the replication of evidence-based programs (EBPs) and services. Touchstone looks to service over 22,000 youth, over 7,900 adults (parents/caregivers) with EBPs, and over 3,100 community members with training. 

Prevention also provides partners with professional development training on diverse topics such as Youth Mental Health First Aid, Trauma-Informed Approaches, Resilience, Empathy, and more. 

For more information regarding current programing including our youth leadership council, CARE Coalition, etc.

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Prevention hopes to continue providing education and resources to other communities in the valley with future funding opportunities. 

Within the grant Touchstone also oversees the CARE Coalition which is a group of collaborating community members, youth, local agencies, schools, and other invested individuals that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of adolescents in the West Valley. The mission of the CARE Coalition is to unite, inform, and empower the community to make a positive impact on youth in the West Valley through collaborative planning and action, and foster a community that is informed, caring, and driven to ensure youth well-being.